Concord Fire SOP

Concord Fire Department

Standard Operating Guidelines/Procedures


Table of Contents


Mission and Purpose


100 General Safety Rules and Behaviors

            101 Safety Rules

            102 Key Safety Behaviors

            103 Personal Protective Equipment

                        103.1 Bloodborne Pathogens

            104 Conduct Toward the Public

                        104.1 Media

            105 Prevention



200 General Administration

            201 General

            202 Officers

            202.1 Officer Elections

            204 Department Employee


            205 Reimbursement Programs

                        205.1 Travel, Mileage, Meals

                        205.2 Tuition Reimbursement

            206 Firearms

            207 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs

            208 Disciplinary Actions

            209 Employee Vacation Time

            210 Employee Sick Time



300 Membership Participation Requirements

            301 Firefighter Qualifications

            302 New Volunteer Firefighter Applicants

            303 Junior Firefighters (Explorers)

            304 Active Membership

                        304.1 Training

                        304.2 Call Response

                        304.3 Level I Firefighter

                        304.4 Competency Books

                        304.5 Run Money Requirements



400 Emergency Vehicle Operations (EOV)

401 Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC)

            401.1 Requirements

402 Vehicle Checklist

403 Apparatus

             404 Personally Owned Vehicle (POV)

             405 Structure Fire

             406 Field Fire

             407 Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA with injuries/10-46)

             408 Medical (EMS)

             409 Strange Oder/Carbon Monoxide Alarm

             410 Automatic/Mutual Aid

             411 Swift Water


500 Emergency Operations

             501 First On-scene

                        501.1 First Officer/Unit On-Scene

502 Accountability

            502.1 System Overview

            502.2 Command Structure

            502.3 Accountability System

            502.4 Emergency Evacuations

503 Transfer of Command

504 Structure Fire

            504.1 When to Use

            504.2 Initial Report

            504.3 Radio Designation

505 Rapid Intervention Team (RIT)

            505.1 Fire Ground/Incident Perimeter or Hot Zone

            505.2 Evacuation

            506 Automatic/Mutual Aid

            507 Assisting Law Enforcement

            508 Firefighter Survival

                        508.1 Radio Procedures for Emergencies

                        508.2 Mayday, Urgent Message

                        508.3 Transmission Procedures for Mayday

            509 Communications


600 Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

            601 SOG

            602 Response

            603 Restocking Equipment

            604 Kentucky State Medical Protocol link.


700 Hazardous Materials (HAZ-MAT)

            701 General

            702 Strange Odor

            703 Carbon Monoxide Alarm


800 Decontamination

             801 PPE & Equipment

900 Communications 

            901 General

902 Radio Communications Back-up Plan

903 Radio Channels

904 Social Media

            904.1 Purpose

            904.2 Procedure

            904.3 Guidelines

            904.4 Non-official/Personal Use of Social Media & Networking

            904.5 Guiding Non-Official Social Media Principles

            904.6 Open Records Laws Applicable To The Use of Social Media

            904.7 Records Management, Retention, and Archiving

            904.8 Information Quality

            904.9 Intellectual Property

            904.10 Ethics

            904.11 KRS 75 Disciplinary Action

            904.12 Disclaimer & Discretion




Mission and Purpose




The mission of Concord Fire Department is to respond to Fires, Vehicle Accidents, Medical emergencies, Weather Events, Water Rescues, Lost or Missing Persons, Public Events and any Disaster that would put Public lives, Health or Property in danger. The timely delivery of these services enables the Concord Fire Department to make significant contributions to the safety of the residents and visitors within the boundaries of the Concord Fire Protection District. 





It is Concord Fire Department’s policy to provide a safe and healthy environment for every member and to abide by the accident prevention regulations set forth by Federal, State, and Local Governments.


You must cooperate fully. Abuse of, or a disregard for, rules is a violation of Concord Fire Department policy and will be treated accordingly. Your help in preventing accidents benefits you, your fellow members, and the public. We must all strive to make this organization accident free.









It is impossible to publish a rule to cover every circumstance. If a safety rule has been omitted or overlooked, it does not excuse carelessness or lack of common sense in the performance of duties.



Purpose: To provide general safety rules and behaviors in order to provide a safe and healthy environment for every member. The safety and welfare of our members is paramount and accident prevention is essential in maintaining an efficient operation. All safety rules are to be strictly observed at all times. 





1.   Whenever you are involved in an accident that results in personal injury or damage to property, no matter how minor, the accident shall be reported to an officer or senior member at the time of the accident. First aid treatment must be sought promptly. 

2.   Report immediately to an officer or senior member in charge any condition or practice you believe has the potential to cause injury or damage to personnel or equipment. 

3.   Do not operate any equipment, which in your opinion, is not safe. 

4.   Obey all Department rules, governmental regulations, signs, markings, and instructions. Be particularly familiar with those that apply directly to you. 

5.   When involved in any lifting procedure, use the approved lifting techniques, i.e., bend your knees, grasp the load firmly, then raise the load, keeping your back as straight as possible. Obtain help from another member when lifting heavy loads. 

6.    Do not engage in horseplay. Do not distract others from performing their tasks. 

7.    Always use the right tool and equipment for the job. Use only those tools with which you’ve been trained to use and are thoroughly familiar with. 

8.    Good housekeeping shall always be practiced at the station, apparatuses, and appliances. Return all tools, equipment, materials, etc., to their proper places.





1.    Think  


3.    Drive Slower Rather than Faster

4.    Intersections: If You Can’t See, Stop 

5.    Always Wear Your Seat Belt

6.    Wear Full Gear and SCBA 

7.    Don’t Ever Breathe Smoke

8.    Never Go Beyond Your Air Supply 

9.    Use A Big Enough and Long Enough Hose Line

10. Always Have an Escape Route (Hose Line/Life Line) 

11. Keep Your Crew Intact 

12. Always Work Under Command-No Freelancing 

13. Maintain a Communications Link with Command 

14. Know and Be a Part of the Plan 

15. Evaluate the Hazard—know the Risk You are Taking 

16. Follow Standard Fire Ground a Procedures  

17. Always Watch Your Fire Ground Position (upwind, downwind, power lines, etc.) 

18. Attack with a Sensible Level of Aggression

19. Vent Early and Vent Often 

20. Look and Listen for Signs of Collapse 

21. Pay Attention All the Time, Situation Awareness is Critical

22. Provide Lights for the Work Area 

23. If It’s Heavy, Get Help 

24. Rehab Fatigued Firefighters 

25. Everybody Takes Care of Everybody Else

26. Follow Standard EMS Procedures 





Prescribed safety and personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be used when appropriate. All PPE must be maintained in safe working condition. 


Turn out gear is not to be worn while driving any apparatus.


103.1 Bloodborne Pathogens


a.    Proper body substance isolation (BSI) precautions should always be taken. Personnel who come into direct contact with any bodily fluids while acting as a firefighter on calls or during training activities. The Chief Officer needs to be notified immediately of exposure and will then determine based on the incident if that member shall seek medical attention for precautionary measures due to the exposure.  

b.    On the “Resources” page on the website, there is a “Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure” form that will need to be filled out.

c.    A “Hepatitis B Vaccine Voucher” has been made available to Kentucky firefighters. The form for it can be found on the CFD website under “Resources”. The Chief must sign the form in order for it to be valid.




Members shall meet the public with professional courtesy and consideration.  Members will use proper grammar and English, avoiding slang, derogatory expressions, and profane/abusive language while talking to the public. Members shall be orderly, attentive, respectful, and shall exercise patience and discretion in the performance of their duties. 


104.1 Public and Media


a. At no point will a member give out any information about the nature of the call or any patient information. If a member is approached by the media or the public they will direct them to the Chief or highest ranking officer or OIC.





Purpose: To provide general guidelines and procedures for daily fire department operations.





a.  Non-members or Junior firefighters are not allowed on Department property after 10:00 p.m. (Jr. FF are allowed if going to or coming back from a call). Other than family members unless approved by the Chief or an Officer.

b.  Any member that is hosting guests on department property will be responsible for the building, its contents, and will be held responsible for any damage or problems created by such. 

c.   Any member that brings their children to the station shall supervise them at all times. Children should not be allowed to run freely around the station if the parent has responded to a call or during training.

d.  No private vehicles are to be left on the property overnight without the approval of the Chief or an Officer. 

e.  POVs are not allowed in the bays.

f.    Department property is not to be removed without the permission of the Chief or an Officer. If any property is removed without consent it can be considered stolen property and criminal charges may be filed.

g.  All members are responsible for keeping the department clean and in order.

h.  Members shall be responsible for maintaining and proper cleaning of all personal protective equipment issued to them by the department.

i.    Any threat to the Chief or any other member of the department will be resolved through a hearing by the officers and could result in termination by the Board of trustees.

j.   Any insubordination to the Chief or any other officer of the department will not be tolerated.

k.  Sexual harassment will not be tolerated by any member of the department.





a.  All officers must notify by radio that they are responding. 

b.  Officers are allowed to respond POV to the scene. 

c.  No officer is to respond POV to any call without turnout gear. 

d.  No officer is to respond to a scene until it is verified that sufficient personnel is responding to the station to bring any needed apparatus to the call.



202.1 Officer Elections


a.  When an Volunteer Officer position (Except Chief) becomes available the Chief will have a survey sent out by text and email to all active Volunteer members to pick a name from the active member roster to fill the Officer spot. Members can submit only one name if only one officer spot is open. All names submitted from the survey will be reviewed by the membership committee.  The member approved by the membership committee will be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval to fill the Officer position.

b. When an Employee Officer position is to filled that will done by the Chief with the approval of the Board of trustees.



c.   The Board of Trustees will handle all matters when it comes to filling the Chief position.














a.    All reimbursements are subject to the approval from the Chief and/or Board.


b.    Members should check with the Chief before they sign-up/spend any money for something they are seeking reimbursement on.


205.1 Travel, Mileage, Meals

a.  Any member wishing to further their professional development in the fire service may request permission through the Chief to attends events such as fire schools that will give them fire hours or first responder related certifications.

b. The following is a link to current mileage rates and form that is to be used for reimbursement:

205.2 Tuition Reimbursement


a.    The following will define the procedures and requirements in obtaining education/tuition reimbursement for required classes in obtaining a degree from Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS), or other approved educational training. Online classes must have prior approval by the fire department board. This program is available to career and volunteer firefighters with the desire to further their education provided they meet the requirements below. 





                               i.  The applicant must meet the following specific guidelines in order to qualify for this program.


                              ii.  Must be an active firefighter in good standing with the CFD as determined by the Chief and maintain this active status during the duration of the class.


                            iii.   Must be a 130-hour certified firefighter in the State of Kentucky by the end of their first course.


                            iv.   Must be CPR/AED certified.


                              v.   Must have all required NIMS/ICS.


                            vi.   Must have a minimum of one (1) year active status with the Concord Fire Dept. 


                           vii.  Must maintain a grade average of a “B’ or higher to qualify for reimbursement.


                          viii.  Firefighters will be required to volunteer one (1) ten-hour shift a week. 0700-1700 (7am to 5pm) for a four-month period.


                             ix.  Must provide a two-week notice of each shift the individual is going to cover.





                               i.  This program will be overseen by the Concord Fire Dept. Board and the Chief. Upon completion of any required class as part of the individual’s degree program, the individual must submit documentation of the final grade and receipts of expenses such as class fees, registration fees, and books. Once this information is received, it will be reviewed and verified. Receipts must be copies of original papers received from the educational facility. Individuals MUST provide documentation if they are also receiving assistance elsewhere. i.e. grants, financial aid, student loans etc. Handwritten receipts of self-noted expenses will not be considered for reimbursement. Once all documentation has been received and verified, the Chief will verify the individual meets all requirements. The Chief will then sign-off on the documentation and forward it to the Board for reimbursement. A maximum reimbursement of $1,000.00 per semester, per student. There will not be any pre-payment made for any class. If upon the review of the reimbursement request it is found that the member does not meet the requirements, the request will be denied. The member requesting will be notified and the reason for denial will be explained. 


                              ii.  Requests for reimbursement must be done within 45 days of completing the course. Any requests made after this time will automatically be rejected. The Tuition Reimbursement Form should be completed for submission and can be found under resources on the CFD website.


                            iii.   Individuals must have completed the one (1) voluntary shift per week requirement before the completion of the class. A daytime uniform will be provided to the individuals participating in the Tuition Assistance Program. During a shift, there will be work details to be completed as well as some training. 


                            iv.   All Concord Fire Dept. SOP’s and SOG’s are to be followed accordingly while individuals are on shift under the Tuition Assistance Program. 





a.    All members must sign a “Hold Harmless Concealed Carry” form that can be found under “Resources” on the CFD website.


b.    Any member, who elects to carry a personal firearm or weapon onto or in District property, or while conducting District business, must be eligible to do so under and comply with Federal and State statutes.


c.    The member is solely responsible for the safe handling and storage of the firearm or weapon at all times.


d.    The member will not leave the firearm or weapon unattended at any time in the station or on the apparatus. 


e.    Personal firearms or weapons carried by members while on duty are not to be used under the guise of District business.


f.     The member in possession of the firearm or weapon assumes all risk and liability for any and all injuries or death caused by either the intentional or unintentional discharge of the firearm or use of the weapon and may face disciplinary action.


g.    No member shall carry any firearm into a location where firearms are prohibited by law.


h.    Emergency incident response, incident stabilization, and/or patient care shall not be delayed at any time for the purpose of securing a weapon or firearm carried by a member.


i.     Kentucky law allows firefighters to carry legally permitted weapons while at work.


j.     Concord Fire Department would rather that its firefighters not carry weapons while at work, but Concord Fire Department cannot prevent a member from doing so.


k.    Carrying a weapon or loaded firearm while in quarters or during emergent and/or non-emergent District business could result in a hazardous situation.


l.     Leaving a weapon or loaded firearm unsecured in quarters or on/in a vehicle could result in a hazardous situation.


m.  If a member chooses to carry a legally permitted weapon while at work, Concord Fire Department does not condone such action, and the member may be held personally liable for any and all harm that results from intentional or unintentional use or discharge of the weapon.






a.    There will be no use of tobacco products in any department apparatus or on calls. There will be no smoking or vaping inside any CFD fire stations.


b.    No member may be under the influence of alcoholic beverage(s) or a drug(s) during any department function or response. If a member is believed to be under the influence, at the discretion of the Chief or any officer, that member will be requested to submit to a drug and/or alcohol screening at the fire department’s expense. If the member is involved a motor vehicle accident while driving a department vehicle or their own POV while driving to from a call or a training event for CFD the member will be required to take a drug and alcohol test at the department's exspense. If the member is injured and requires professional medical care during any CFD activity the member will be required to take a drug and alcohol test at the department's expense. At the discretion of the Chief the member may be placed on suspension during any pending investigation.


c.    The CONCORD FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (CFPD) is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for its members. The influence of alcohol, use of illegal drugs, and misuse of legal drugs create an impairment that subjects other members, property, and the public to risks of injury and/or damages that would not exist in an alcohol and drug-free workplace.


d.    Members of the CONCORD FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT who violate these standards are subject to disciplinary action under KRS 75.130, with possible reprimand, dismissal, suspension, or reduction in grade or pay. For the purposes of detecting alcohol and illegal drug use/abuse, drug and/or breath alcohol test (BAT) will be requested. All tests shall be done in accordance with current applicable statutory or case laws to protect each member's constitutional rights. Refusal to submit to a drug test or BAT shall be immediate suspension and disciplinary action requesting dismissal. 


e.    The CFPD shall retain jurisdiction over all CFPD members. Notwithstanding, the CFPD reserves the right, where administrative procedures fail, to pursue all remedies where deemed appropriate. 


f.     In meeting its responsibilities to members, the CFPD has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which offers assistance to members seeking help for alcohol and/or drug abuse. Once identified, these problems must be addressed. In addition, a list of sources of information for members including counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation services are provided upon request. 


g.    It shall be a violation of the CFPD Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace Policy for any member to be convicted of manufacturing, distributing, possessing or using illegal drugs as defined by applicable federal and state laws. The illegal use, distribution, or sale or legally prescribed medication is likewise a violation of this policy. 


h.    Possession of any alcoholic substance in or on department property and/or being at work with a detectable odor of an alcoholic substance on a member's breath (or other reasonable suspicious behavior, including accidents) which when tested results in a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of 0.04% or above, is a violation of this policy. Additionally, all Commercial Drivers reporting to work or driving department owned/leased vehicles with a BAC of 0.02% or above. Members subject to "recall," on any stand-by status or, who are subject to driving, while at work, are further prohibited from driving government owned/leased vehicles with a BAC of 0.02% or above. Also, the use of illegal drugs or misuse of prescribed drugs while in a work status is a violation of this policy. Testing shall conform to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) guidelines. 


i.     Further information on this policy and definitions/procedures that pertain to can be found under “Resources” on the CFD website.






a.    If any rules and/or regulations set forth by CFD are broken then the officers will review to determine if any disciplinary action is necessary.


b.    Depending on the nature of the violation of the determination of the disciplinary action could be addressed by the board of directors.


c.    If immediate action is necessary then it should be discussed between at least two officers and a decision made until a formal meeting of all officers can be held.


d.    If any disciplinary action is taken then there will be a written record of the action placed in the members’ personnel file.


e.    Disciplinary Actions could be as follows:


                        i.        Oral reprimand 


                       ii.        Written reprimand 


                      iii.        Suspension


                      iv.        Dismissal/Termination by the board pursuant to KRS   


209 Vacation Time


a. Full time employees will be given 12 days of vacation time after 1 year of employment. Employees will be given 16 days of vacation time after 5 years of employment. Vacation days can't be carriered over a 12 month period Employees must give 30 day notice in writing to the Chief when requesting to use vacation time.

  This policy will go into effect on May 1st, 2024.


210 Sick Time 



        a. Full time employees will accrue a half day of sick time each month of employment. Employee can't carry over more than 6 days of accrued sick time.    


 This policy will go into effect on May 1st, 2024. 







Purpose: To provide general safety rules and behaviors in order to provide a safe and healthy environment for every member.





To become a member of the Concord Fire Department (CFD) a person shall:


a.    Be at least 18 years old unless a Jr firefighter see 303 (b).


b.    To ensure due regard for the safety of all persons and property upon the highway a member must live within reasonable driving distance or drive time of a CFD fire station. Distance and time will be determined by the Chief.


c.    Have a valid driver’s license.


d.    Have insurance coverage on private vehicle.


e.    Have a good driving record.


f.     Have no felony convictions or pending felony charges.


g.    Have a high school diploma or equivalent, unless the Chief grants an exception.


h.    Driver’s license and insurance information shall be supplied at the time of application for membership.


i.     The Chief will abtain background check of potential members conducted to validate compliance with items “e” and “f’ above.





a.    Background and Drug test will be performed once the application is submitted to the fire department.


b.    All members shall be on probationary status during the first 180 days of membership. Probationary status shall begin at the time the member’s application is reviewed and approved by the Chief.


c.    If the applicant’s Background check , Drug test and Reference check do not contain any derogatory information, then at the end of the applicant’s 180-day probationary period, the membership shall make a recommendation vote to accept or reject the probationary member in the department. This shall be done by survey monkey voting. The Chief will have a survey monkey vote sent out and the Officer's will vote to accecpt or reject the probationary member as an active member of the department.




       The following is a recommended minimum standard of subjects and training hours a new fire department member should successfully complete prior to emergency response activity.

                                                                              Basic 20 Hours

                                                                           Recruit Firefighter


A0000 Administration & Organization             2 

B0000 Safety                                                   2 

D0000 Fire Behavior                                        1 

E0000 Portable Extinguishers                          1 

F0000 Personal Protective Equipment             3 

G0000 Forcible Entry                                        1 

H0000 Ventilation                                              1 

I0000 Ropes                                                      1

J0000 Ladders                                                   2

K0000 Fire Hose, Nozzles & Appliances           2

M0000 Fire Control                                            1

N0000 Loss Control (Salvage & Overhaul)        2

CC0001 Drivers Training (POV)                        1

                                                      Hour Totals: 20                                                                                      



FF-0007         ICS 700   Online Classes required before making calls.


FF-0001         ICS 100   Online Classes required before making calls.



 These recommended 20 hours can be credited toward the 55 elective hours required for certification for a Volunteer Firefighter.






NOTE: With the permission of the Chief, the minimum requirements for a new volunteer firefighter can be extended an additional 90 days, if extenuating circumstances prevent the applicant from completing the minimum requirements during the first 180 days.




e.    A probationary member cannot respond to any calls until the minimum basic 20 hours set forth by Kentucky Fire Commission have been completed, the member has been sworn in, a Background check and Drug test has been cleared, the member has completed the apparatus operations competency list and has complete CPR & AED basic first aid course. A member may be given special  permission by the Chief to respond to calls before all the requirments are met.

d.  If the probationary member is not voted in after the 180 days probation period he or she can reapply in 6 months or 1 year from when their first application was submitted.     





Concord Fire Department is a participant in the Kentucky State Junior Fire Fighter (JRFF) Program provided by the state fire commission.


To become a junior firefighter of the CFD a person shall:


a.    Be between the ages of 15 and 17 years old


b.    Be a resident of McCracken County 


c.    Have written permission from a legal guardian 


The following link provides guidelines set forth by the Kentucky State Fire Commission Explorer Program:


Once the junior firefighter reaches the age of 18 they shall follow the guidelines set forth to become an actual member of the department.





To retain active membership the following must be followed. 




Members Quarterly Training and Call Activity Requirements.


·      All members of CFD must attend 3 in-house training meetings per quarter. This includes Officers, **Instructors and Volunteer members.

·      All members must make 6 calls per quarter. This includes Officers, **Instructors and Volunteer members.

·      This mandatory training and call requirement will be based on a three-strike rule. If a member does not complete their required training for a quarter, they will receive one strike. If the member does not make their required calls for the quarter, they will receive one strike.

·       Once a member has received their 3rd strike the voting members of the department will make a recommendation vote to the oversight committee to possibly terminate the member. The oversight committee will look over the results of the membership recommendation vote and the committee will vote to retain the member or request to have the Board of Trustees remove the member from the department roster.                                                         



·    Any strikes obtained during the year will be reset to 0 on January 1st of each year.


Once a member is removed from the department roster, they will be required to wait 1 year from that removal date to reapply for membership. They will also be required to go back through the 180-day probationary period and be voted on at the end of the 180 days.


 Any member that takes a leave of absence from the department for more than 365 days will be required to reapply as a new member and go through the probationary period and be voted on at the end of the 180 days.



Special requests to be excused from obtaining needed training and call requirements due to sickness, military duty, family illness, work, school or other issues will be looked at on a case-by-case basis by the oversight committee. 

                                                              Policy created by the

Membership Oversight Committee


This policy will go into effect on April 1st, 2024.



All certified (Firefighter Level I or II) members must keep their certification current by completing 20 hours of state fire training between July 1st and June 30th of each year. Any member that doesn't keep his or her certification current will be suspended from making calls but will be able to come to training. The suspension will be lifted once the 20 hour training requirements have been met for the current year.  


Additionally, Federal guidelines require the following NIMS/ICS training for all members:


a.             Chief—NIMS 700, 800 & ICS 100, 200, 300, 400 


b.             Officers—NIMS 700, 800 & ICS 100 and 200


c.             Members—NIMS 700 & ICS 100



304.2 Member Response


When Concord FD is dispatched by E911 to a call a Command Officer or an on Shift Employee will notify E911 that Concord is responding on the CONCORD FIRE Channel. All other members responding will use the CONCORD DIGITAL Channel to radio in that he or she is responding and which station he or she is going to and an ETA to that station. The ETA will help determine if that responding truck will wait on members to crew that truck. If members don't make the first truck the Command Officer or an on Shift Employee will direct which truck will respond next or for members to stand by at the station.


Members are to respond to their assigned station to make sure the needed apparatus responds to the call. Members are not to respond to the scene of calls unless approved by a Command Officer or Employee thats on shift. 


Members will be allowed to carry their turnout gear once they have completed all of their Basic 20hrs, CPR&AED, Survival & Rescue class and Flashover class. 


When apparatus is enroute, on scene or clearing the scene it should be reported to E911 on the Concord Fire Channel.


All general day to day radio traffic should be done on Concord Digital Channel. Traffic control should be done on Concord Digital Channel or Concord Direct Channel.





304.3 Level I Firefighter


It is required that every member has two years to obtain their 130 hours (Level I) training. This is for the benefit of the department as well as for the safety of the entire department. If a member is unable to achieve their 130 hours (Level I) certification by the end of their first two years at CFD then the member will be required to attend an Officer meeting and explain the reason for not accomplishing their Level I certification. Member may be suspended until the 130 hours (Level 1) training has been met.


304.4 Competency Books


All  members must complete the apparatus competency book to be eligible to receive run money.


304.5 Run Money Requirements. 

 Run Money Policy

Members can receive run money when basic requirements are met. Amount paid to each member per call will be based off levels of training set by this policy. Run money will be paid on a monthly basis. A list of calls attended by members will be compiled from the Iamresponding reporting progammed by the Chief. The Chief will sign off on run attended form and then sent over to the CPA for payment.

To receive run money members will be required to respond to one of the CFD fire stations or to the scene if approved by an Officer. Members will be required to stay available on the call (At the station or scene) until the call is completed, and all equipment is back in service. An Officer or senior member can release a member to clear before the call is completed if deemed necessary and the member can still receive their run money. Member’s response will be collected from Iamresponding GPS tracking. 

No money will be paid for attending training starting 5/1/2024.


1.   Basic requirements.

·      Member must have completed their basic 20 hours of training, CPR/AED training and required NIMS training.

·      Member must be at least 15 years old.

2.   Run money amount is set by training levels. Each level will pay $5.00 per run. (Example: If a member meets level 1,2 and 4 the member would receive $15 per call)

·      Level 1- Basic 20 hour, CPR/AED and NIMS training.

·      Level 2- 130 hour certification.

·      Level 3- 300 hour certification.

·      Level 4- EMR or EMT.

·      Level 5- Swift Water Tech.

3.   All equipment back in service includes but not limited to these listed items.

·      Trucks & Equipment fueled up.

·      Truck water tank refilled.

·      All fire hoses cleaned and replaced back on the truck.

·      All disposable items used to be replaced.

·      SCBA’s cleaned and full bottles put back on each pack.

·      All empty SCBA bottles refilled.

·      Trucks washed if needed.

·      Install fully charged batteries put on all tools used on the incident.

·      Inventory equipment on the truck that was used during the incident.

·      Refill foam tank if needed.

·      Replace oil dry if needed.



304.6 Resignation or Leave of Absence



  Any member that takes a leave of absence from the department for more than 365 days will be required to reapply as a new member and go through the probationary period and be voted on at the end of the 180 days.









Any time a member is responding to a call and then told to “Signal 8” or disregard if Code 3 drop to Code 1 and return the apparatus back to the station. If fuel is needed, inform an officer or senior member. 




Purpose: To provide general guidelines and procedures for emergency vehicle operations.





a.    The EVO Course for Concord Fire Protection District shall be adopted from, and updated in accordance with the KY Fire Commission training standards.


b.    The EVO Course Evaluation(s) shall be conducted by the Chief or their Designee. 


401.1 Requirements


a.    Operator must be at least 21 years of age to operate any department vehicle/apparatus. Some members may be given permission to drive at 18-20 years old but must be approved by the Chief.


b.    Have completed the apparatus operations competency list(s). 


c.    Completed Drivers Training CC-0000& CC-0001(classroom portion) Emergency Vehicle Operator (EVO), being Administered by a Fire Instructor, (as certified by KY Fire Commission), or complete similar Training that is approved by the KY Fire Commission (VFIS) etc. Training completed once per membership.


d.    Must annually complete the cone, and road course evaluations.


e.    Approval to drive with or without these requirments can only be given by the Chief.





a.    All members are responsible for the for keeping the apparatuses stocked and the equipment in good working order. 


b.    Apparatuses must be re-stocked after a call before the members leave.





a.  An apparatus is to be used only to carry out official fire department duties.


b.  Public education and other civic-services that may require the use of an apparatus must be approved by the Chief.


c.  Firefighters are not to use any apparatus from the fire department for another department’s call or any other purposes unless requested by the other department, central dispatch or an officer.





a.    Firefighters should never respond POV to any scene unless otherwise instructed by an officer. 


b.    Firefighters are not to use emergency lighting or sirens in their POV unless they have completed 130hrs (level 1 FF), reached 21 years of age, completed the emergency vehicle operation drivers training class and have written approval from the chief. Any employee of the fire protection district may be approved by the Chief to run emergency lights and sirens but will be determined on a case by case basis by the Chief. Approval letter must be kept by the firefighter or employee in their POV at all times. 


c.    After completing the classroom portion of the EVO class member must complete and pass the cone and road course annually.


d.    The Chief must first approve and sign a letter for any member who wishes to get a volunteer firefighter license plate for their POV.





The following apparatus/personnel should be used in responding to a structure fire in the CFD hydrant/non-hydrant district:


Station 1 (in order)


a.    E-42


b.   E-44


c.    B-43





Station 2 (in order)


a.    T-40


b.    E-45





Always keep at least one engine or the ladder truck in the Concord District at any given time. If unsure, ask an officer.




Any request for mutual aid response outside of the county an officer will designate an appropriate apparatus. 





The following apparatus/personnel should be used in responding to a field fire:


Station 1 (in order)


1.    B-43


2.    E-44


3.   E-42





Station 2 (in order)


1.    E-45


2.    T-40





407 MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT (MVA with injuries/10-46)


The following apparatus/personnel should be used in responding to an MVA (10-46) fire:


Station 1 (in order)


1.    E-42


2.   E-44


3.    B-43




Station 2 (in order)


1.    T-40


2.    E-45








The following apparatus/personnel should be used in responding to medical calls:


Station 1 (in order)


1.    E-42


2.    B-43


3.    Other personnel to standby the station unless request by an officer



*Station 2 (in order)


1.    B-45


2.    T-40


3.    Other personnel to standby the station unless request by an officer


*Personnel and apparatus are limited to responding to the area indicated by the map posted in the Station 2 office unless otherwise requested by an officer.





a.    E-42 will need to respond due to it having the CO detector along with the closest apparatus.


b.    All responses will be Code 1 exception for Code 3 for reports of serious life threats or health safety dangers.


c.    All other apparatus need to standby.










Purpose & Scope:


To establish guidelines for water rescues and recoveries in the Concord FPD.  Dispatches for water rescues in different types of water (as defined below) should be the same.






Water Rescue - An operation where there is the possibility of saving the life of someone trapped in a situation involving water.


 Water Recovery - An operation where the victim is already deceased, or there is no reasonable expectation of saving the victim's life.


Swift Water - Water moving faster than 1 knot (1.15 mph).


Surface Water - Standing water, or water moving slower than 1 knot (1.15 mph).






All swift water team members(awareness,operations and technician level) will need to complete 8 hours of in house training annually to stay active on the swift water team. If a team member doesn't meet required hours the team member will not be able to respond to any water calls untill his or her required training is completed. 










Freelancing is strictly prohibited.




Purpose:To provide general guidelines and procedures for emergency operations.







If need be, close the road for everyone’s safety.






a.   Park apparatus in a manner that protects our working area.


b.   Establish an Incident Commander (IC).


c.   Notify responding units of location and if any entrapment. Also the number of vehicles and possible patients for transport.


d.   If no entrapment and minor injuries slow response of responding units or turn around units not need on the scene.


c.   If there is entrapment be sure you have needed equipment on the scene or in route.


d.   Be sure to have a charged line on the ground during extrication.


e.   Be sure to check for un-deployed airbags. If steering wheel airbag has not deployed place protective strap over the steering wheel bag.


f.    Before starting any extrication check for HYBRID signs.


g.   Before starting any extrication make sure the vehicle is stable. If signs vehicle is not stable report it to IC immediately.





a.    To ensure personnel and unit safety, it is the policy of Concord Fire Department that all personnel and units will be accounted for on the scene of an emergency incident. The personnel accountability system is intended to meet the requirements of NFPA 1500 & 1561 and will be operational on all fire/rescue incidents and training exercises. There are two primary objectives of the personnel accountability system:


1.    Identify who is at the scene.


2.    To track team members in the hot zone (Entry-team).


b.    It is the responsibility of each member of the department to read and fully understand the policy and procedures for personal accountability.




a. The system is based on the traditional tag accountability system. The tag identifies the firefighter by department badge number and/or name.


b.PURPOSE: The purpose of this document is to define the personnel accountability system and provide standard operating guidelines for implementing the system.




i.  System Elements- Tags and Accountability Board and Accountability vest.


ii. Tags- Certified 130 & 300-hour personnel will be issued two personnel accountability tags. Non-certified (rookie) personnel shall only be given one tag.


Color Coordination for McCracken County and Paducah Fire Services PAS tags for each department shall be different in colors.


Concord Fire Department - Silver

Hendron Fire Department- Yellow

Lone Oak Fire Department - Purple

Paducah Fire Department - Blue

Reidland Farley Fire Department - Red

West McCracken Fire Department - Black


iii. Accountability Board– The accountability board will need to have the department name and apparatus unit number written on the dry erase section of the board.


iv. Accountability vest– The accountability vest will be worn by the person assigned by IC to handle all personal accountability.




a.   Incident Commander (IC)- The senior or designated officer/firefighter in charge of an incident, responsible for the strategic decisions and the assignments of other officers and supervisory personnel necessary to control an incident.


b.   Safety Officer– A senior officer/firefighter of the department responsible for the overall safety of the responding units and their personnel. The safety officer has the authority to designate hazard zones and declare an emergency evacuation.


c.   Accountability Officer- Person designated by the incident commander to manage the personnel accountability system during the incident.


d.  Personnel Account Report (PAR)– an account of where all personnel are located what their task is at any given time.



502.3 Accountability System


a.    Once the command has been established at the incident, the Incident Commander will assign an Accountability Officer, who will manage the accountability system throughout the incident.


b.    Personnel who arrive on scene must report to the accountability officer. If an accountability officer hasn’t been established then report to IC.


c.    The first accountability tag from each firefighter will be placed on the accountability board ring next to the department name that the firefighter is associated with.


d.    Personnel assigned to an entry-team must take their 2nd tag to the Accountability Officer.


e.    The accountability officer shall place all paired entry teams tags together on the accountability vest. This will assure who went in with whom.


f.     Once the entry team has been released from its task they are to report back to the accountability officer to collect his or her 2nd tag that had been placed on the vest. At this time the accountability officer will confirm that all team members have been accounted for.


g.    Any personnel who are found on the scene with both PAS tags will be asked to report to Accountability Officer.


h.    The Accountability Officer will be responsible for conducting a Personnel Account Report (PAR) at the request of the Incident Commander. Any discrepancies shall be immediately reconciled.


502.4 Emergency Evacuations


When the IC or Safety Officer has determined that the building or fire conditions are too dangerous for continued operations, he/she will declare an emergency evacuation. An evacuation alert will be as follows: 


(1) issue evacuation via 2-way radio

(2) 3 blast of the air horn

(3) issue evacuation via 2-way radio. 


The alert advises all personnel to leave the Hazard Zone and REPORT BACK TO THE ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICER


After the evacuation is complete, the Accountability Officer should immediately conduct a PAR.




a.   The first arriving company officer is the only company officer who has the option of transferring command to another company officer unless actively engaged in fire suppression, rescue or other duties that would limit the duties of an Incident Commander.


b.   Upon arrival of the on-duty Assistant Chief or the Acting Assistant Chief command shall be transferred to them.


c.   The Fire Chief or their designee may assume command at any time he or she needs to expand the Incident Command System due to a large-scale response, the activation of RIT or IRIT crew due to a distress call or any change from offensive to defensive fire attack.


d.   Transfer of command will follow the below procedures:


Arriving chief officers will communicate with the officer being relieved of command.  This briefing will preferably be done face to face but radio communication is acceptable.


This briefing will include:


-       General situation status

1.    Threat to Life

2.    Fire Location, Extent, Conditions

3.    Effectiveness of Control Efforts


-       Deployment positions and assignments of operating companies/teams


-       Appraisal of needs for additional resources at that time


For larger incidents, the officer being relieved should review a tactical worksheet or command board with the ranking officer.


e.   When the above transfer of command has been completed, the new incident commander should call dispatch and announce the transfer of command.






504.1 When to Use


a.  The use of Incident Command Procedures is mandatory on all incidents involving two or more companies.


b.  The first company officer to arrive at the incident scene shall establish command. He or She shall remain in command until transferring command to a second arriving company officer, to a higher-ranking officer, or until the incident has been terminated.


504.2 Initial Report


a. The person establishing command shall transmit a brief initial radio report. The five dimensions below are required when responding to a structure fire. Examples of the information that is required to be transmitted appear below each dimension. The below information shall be communicated over the radio upon the first unit arriving officer at an emergency scene.  


·     Go arrival with company identification, establish command, and location of command

·     Give a description of the building

Ø  Number of Stories


Ø  Construction Type

·     Give a description of the situation

Ø  Nothing Showing, Smoke Showing, Smoke and Flames Showing

Ø  Evacuation

Ø  Injuries

Ø  Etc.

·     If conditions exist where you expect all initial on-scene personnel will be involved with firefighting actions, declare a WORKING FIRE.

·     Give a description of what your company is doing

Ø  Investigating

Ø  Pulling a 1 ¾” attack line

Ø  Pulling a 2 ½” attack line

Ø  Placing a ground ladder

Ø  Etc.

·     Give assignments to next arriving companies

Ø  Lay a supply line

Ø  Pull a backup line

Ø  Perform a primary search

Ø  Position and raise aerial ladder

Ø  Etc.


504.3 Radio Designation


The person assuming command will use the radio designation “command” in all radio communications. This designation will not change throughout the duration of the incident





Purpose - Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) crews will serve as standby intervention crews and will be ready to respond immediately to any firefighter(s) that become distressed in the hazard zone.  The RIT crew shall familiarize themselves with the structure and/or environment that is involved.  They must also be informed of the tactical operations and be informed of where crews are assigned on the incident.  RIT crews must have all personal protective equipment, SCBA’s, and all necessary equipment that they may need to facilitate a rescue of downed personnel. 


Assignment - (RIT) crews will be established at all structure fires and any other hazardous incident where firefighters are in a dangerous environment.  If all crews are on the scene are committed with other duties then additional resources must be secured to fill this role.


505.1 Fire Ground/Incident Perimeter or Hot Zone


The fire ground incident perimeter or hot zone is defined as the boundary around the incident that has been determined by safety considerations according to the foreseeable hazards of the particular incident.  It is one of the continuing responsibilities of command and the incident safety officer to establish and enforce.


All personnel entering the fire ground/incident or hot zone perimeter shall:

·      Wear protective equipment.

·      Have the crew intact.

·      Have a staff function

·      Be assigned to a group, division, or company


If personnel have not been assigned to a group, division, or company, or do not have a necessary staff function, they must stay outside this perimeter or zone.


505.2 Evacuation 


It is a principle function of command and the incident safety officer to continually evaluate and to determine if the fire building or incident is tenable for interior operations.  If conditions are determined to be unsafe a structured method of evacuation must be used. Upon receipt of an evacuation order, officers shall assemble their crews and immediately exit to a safe location outside the building or environment.  This action will usually involve a shift from offensive to defensive tactics and it is necessary for command to clearly communicate this change to all operating companies/teams.  

When command makes the decision to evacuate personnel he/she will request the following:


1.    Fire ground apparatus to perform a three-second air horn blast for a total of three times.

2.    A request to dispatch for an evacuation tone and message.

3.    All interior companies/teams will respond with – “(Company ID) evacuating structure” and then advise “(Company ID) evacuation completed.”

4.    Command will then perform a personnel accountability report (PAR).








a.    While acting as an agent for CFD no volunteer member should ever participate in the apprehension of any fugitive or criminal.


b.    Regular members, not volunteers shall have the powers granted under KRS chapter 75.160 section 2.


c.    No fire department apparatus should be used in pursuit of any fugitive or criminal.


d.    Law enforcement has the right to commandeer any apparatus and/or equipment at their discretion.



508 Firefighter Survival 





a.   PURPOSE: Because of the potential for a high volume of radio traffic during an emergency operation the McCracken County Fire Departments must have a procedure that gives priority to an individual who needs to notify the incident commander (IC) of a life-threatening situation that has happened or is about to happen.




a.   The Mayday transmission is used only in situations that are life threatening to firefighters.


b.   The urgent message is used for other types of fire ground emergencies.


c.   A Mayday Transmission is needed if:


·      Imminent collapse is feared

·     Structural collapse has occurred

·     A member is unconscious or has suffered a life-threatening injury

·     A discovery that a member is missing or separated and unable to contact your partner.

·     A member is trapped or lost in a IDLH environment

·     Low air alarm or situation.

·     A water emergency, in which the vessel the crew is operating from, or a crewmember, is in jeopardy and immediate assistance is needed.

·     The MAYDAY includes but is not limited to incidents involving:

§  Structure Fire

§  Hazardous Material incident

§  Technical rescue

§  Extrication

§  Or other related events


d.   An Urgent Message is transmitted if:


·      A member suffers an injury that requires medical attention but is not life-threatening.

·     A change in fire ground strategy (offensive to defensive)

·     A condition is discovered that could endanger firefighters, the public or property.

·     Fire is entering an exposure.

·     A loss of pressure/water occurs

·      Command or an Officer needs to gain control of the radio channel




·     Key the Mic and announce in increments of three (3) MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, UNIT ID number and location listed for a response if none is heard repeat the message until you are acknowledged. If the IC does not respond after the second transmission anyone who hears the message is responsible to relay it to the IC directly.

·     Manually activate your PASS device.


·     The IC should acknowledge the transmission and relay to “all units at the scene, to standby for a MAYDAY message. Unit with MAYDAY go ahead with your message.”

·     There are four universal “Mayday Parameters” developed by the National Fire Academy that applies to structure fires. Each parameter is considered to be an indicator that a firefighter is in a life-threatening situation and needs to call a mayday. The four Mayday Parameters are:

o   Fall-Falls involving a change in elevation such as falling through a floor, roof or into a hole

o   Collapse-Collapse involving structural members of the building or substantial objects onto a member.

o   Lost or Trapped-Member becomes lost, trapped or disoriented in an IDLH atmosphere.

o   Stuck-Member becomes entangled or trapped in an IDLH atmosphere.

·     The McCracken County Fire Departments considers additional parameters in which a member can call a mayday:

o   Low air alarm situation, where the member is unlikely to reach safety before depleting their air supply.

o   A Water emergency, in which the vessel the crew is operating from, or a crewmember, is in jeopardy and immediate assistance is needed.

·     When transmitting a Mayday call remember

o   Remain Calm

o   Do not shout into the radio

o   Talk Slowly

o   Keep your message as short as possible

·     After acknowledgment by the Incident Commander, the officer or firefighter reporting the Mayday shall provide the following information:

o   Location-Where the member believes they are

o   Unit-Company the member is assigned to.

o   Name-Member’s name

o   Assignment-What member was doing (roof vent, search, rescue etc.)

o   Resources needed- Any specific resources member can identify.

·     It is imperative that firefighters error on the side of caution and report a mayday as soon as they are confronted with a mayday parameter. The mayday can always be canceled if it is not needed. But if firefighters wait to call a mayday, the window of survivability can close quickly.




IC responsibilities


·     Secure the channel and designate as mayday channel

o   Only those personnel dealing with the MAYDAY operation shall be on the MAYDAY channel.

·     Move fire ground operations to another designated channel

·     Deploy the necessary resources needed to assist with a rescue.

·     Secure PAR (personnel accountably report)

·     Deploy  RIT 

o   The RIT officer should verify the name(s), number(s) and location associated with the MAYDAY

·     Assemble an additional RIT as soon as possible


Additional fire ground responsibilities


·     Other members operating on the scene should be aware of the MAYDAY

·     They must continue with their assigned tasks, the task they are currently performing may very well limit injury to the person or persons in distress as well as assist the RIT team unless they are also in jeopardy

·     Any deviation from their assignments must be reported to the IC

·     A MAYDAY is not for evacuation.




·     A mayday situation may be “cleared” (canceled) when the firefighter reporting the mayday has been rescued or the situation has been resolved. Only the incident commander may order a mayday to be “cleared”, although other officers may make a recommendation to clear the mayday based upon first-hand knowledge that the particular firefighter who requested the mayday has been rescued or the situation has been resolved.

·     The Incident Commander must communicate the fact that the mayday has been cleared to all units operating on the scene. The Incident Commander- and only the Incident Commander- shall conclude the mayday by transmitting mayday cleared, resume normal radio traffic. If not previously completed, a PAR/Roll call must be completed immediately upon the mayday being cleared.


Urgent message


·     Key the Mic and announce URGENT, UNIT ID number listen for a response if none is heard repeat the message until you are acknowledged. If the IC does not respond after the second transmission anyone who hears the message is responsible to relay it to the IC directly.

·     On receipt of a URGENT message all radio traffic should stop.

·     The IC or Central should acknowledge the transmission and relay to “all units at the scene, to standby for a URGENT message, Unit with URGENT message go ahead”

·     Transmit your message

·     When transmitting a URGENT message remember

o   Remain Calm

o   Do not shout into the radio

o   Talk Slowly

o  Keep your message as short as possible


508.2 Fire Scene Health Check


600 Emergency Medical Services (EMS)


Purpose: To provide general guidelines and procedures for emergency medical services (EMS) and joint operations with Mercy Regional EMS.





 To provide a Fire Department based First Responding, non- transporting, emergency medical service which operates within the current parameters of accepted practice within McCracken County.







  1. Concord Fire Department shall operate the First Responder Program in accordance with those criteria established by Concord Fire Department and Mercy Regional EMS.
  2. Fire Department First Responders shall operate in accordance with policy and protocol set forth by Concord Fire Department and AHJ.






  1. The Fire Chief shall have the overall responsibility for the proper operation of the First Responder Program.
  2. Mercy Regional EMS will work in concert with the Fire Department in First Responder operations and shall assist in the coordination and control.






The primary response:


Fire Department apparatus and/or personnel shall respond, as dispatched, to any type of emergency medical call within the Concord Fire Protection District. These calls could include, but are not limited to, the following: 



        1. Motor vehicle accidents with injuries


·               2 . Motor vehicle accidents with entrapment


·               3. Cardiac Arrest/Respiratory Arrest


  o   Not Breathing or no pulse


  o   CPR In Progress


  o   Deceased Person – no pulse, cold to the touch


·               4. Chest Pains/Possible Heart Attack


·               5. Unconscious/unresponsive


  o   Overdose


  o   Loss of conscientiousness or altered level of conscientiousness


  o   Stroke


·             6.  Seizure  


·             7.  Difficulty Breathing


·             8.  Choking


·             9. Drowning


·           10.Reports of Injury requiring Medical Assistance


  o   Shooting / Stabbing


  o   Broken Bone, suspected Broken Bone, Dislocation


  o   Loss of Body Part


·          11. Persons trapped


·          12. Severe bleeding, Trauma  or Traumatic Injury


·          13.  Head injury or altered mental status

            14. Diabetic problem


·         15. Pregnancy related Active Labor or Imminent Childbirth


·         16. Falls from height greater than 4 feet

    17.When requested by Mercy or Police Officer or Deputy for assistance. 







  1. Concord Fire Department shall endeavor to keep the most qualified personnel on all primary responding apparatus. Only those personnel so trained shall participate in providing medical attention unless the situation is of such magnitude as to require first aid to be given by all personnel involved in the incident. Personnel not trained as First Responders or greater shall assist those individuals so trained as directed.
  2. In a severe incident, and requested by Mercy Regional EMS, a fire department member may ride to hospital in the ambulance to assist in patient care.
  3. Equipment carried by Concord Fire Department apparatus should be compatible with that used by the Mercy Regional Ambulance Service and should be maintained in proper operating condition.
  4. Documentation of response for the fire department will consist of basic incident report; dispatch will begin a fire card (CAD) for each response. Units which respond to the incident shall complete the report and in addition to basic information the EMR/EMT will add a comments section defining what actions were taken and the individual’s name if known. The fire department will not have a release form for EMS incidents Mercy Units responding to the alarm will document the refusal of service when fire units have turned over their patient.


·         Mercy Regional EMS will be notified upon dispatch of fire apparatus and will respond in unison with fire.


·         Mercy Regional Units may inform fire apparatus via radio or through the dispatch system responding to a specific location to disregard in the event they arrive prior to fire companies or in special circumstances.


·         Fire Units shall not turn Mercy regional units around or disregard a response.





           602 Response


Firefighters that are CPR and AED certified can respond to medical calls but cannot go on the scene until there is a certified EMR, EMT or paramedic on scene.


Firefighters that are not CPR and AED certified cannot respond to medical calls.


            603 Restocking Equipment


            Any EMS equipment used must be restocked from the medical cabinet. Notify an officer in order to gain access.


            604 State Medical Protocols





700 Hazardous Materials (HAZ-MAT)


Purpose: To provide general guidelines and procedures for daily fire department operations.


            701 General

            702 Strange Odor

            703 Carbon Monoxide Alarm


·     CO – carbon monoxide

·     CO2– carbon dioxide

·     ppm – parts per million

·     SCBA – Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus 



To establish a policy and procedure for responding to carbon monoxide (CO) detector activation, CO incidents in residences, events where victims are present with CO symptoms in the absence of an alarm, and related CO events.



The intent of this policy is to guide CFD personnel with: 



Carbon monoxide (CO) is an extremely hazardous product. CFD personnel is responsible only for investigating reported carbon monoxide problems or detector activations, evacuation, rendering first aid, and advising occupants. Emergency responders are not on scene to fix/correct the cause of the problem. Occupants should be advised to contact certified repair services.


CO Incident Response

1.    All responses to/from the station/scene will be Code 1 unless advised of a threat to life.

2.    The gas detection meter is located under the driver’s seat on E-42.

3.    Closest unit/apparatus respond to scene and advise. 

4.    All other units will stand by.


Arrival/Occupants Exposed to CO


1.    Evacuate the structure of all occupants.

2.    Determine if anyone is exhibiting any symptoms of CO poisoning. Symptoms may include shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, lightheadedness or headaches.

3.    A person with a lung and/or cardiac history are most susceptible to CO poisoning.

4.    Notify EMS if symptoms are present.

5.    Question occupants about the type and location of any gas burning or CO producing appliances. 


Conducting CO Investigation

1.    An SCBA will be used by any member entering a potentially unsafe atmosphere until the gas detection meter confirms safe levels.

a.    Any time a CO level of 50ppm is found then members must don SCBA while in the structure.

2.    Gas detection meter should be used to examine all levels of the structure and all rooms.

a.    Instructions for operating the gas detection meter can be found below and are also located at the bottom side of the gas detection meter.

b.    Make sure to let the gas detection meter cycle through outside and well away from the structure.

c.    Detector node should be pointed downward. CO is a heavier element.

3.    Examine the ENTIRE property including the garage.

a.    Potential sources include automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, golf carts, RV’s, gasoline, propane, natural gas, diesel-fueled appliances/equipment, lawn mowers, power generators, furnaces, water heaters, clothes dryers.

4.    For CO readings found in the following parts per million (ppm) range:

a.    0 ppm: Desired level

b.    9 ppm or less: Acceptable level of CO in a living space above outdoor ambient conditions. (ASHRAE)

c.    50 ppm: No adverse effects with 8 hours of exposure. (OSHA)

d.    200 ppm: Mild headache after 2-3 hours of exposure.

e.    400 ppm: Headache and nausea after 1-2 hours of exposure.

f.     800 ppm: Headache, nausea, and dizziness after 45 minutes; collapse and unconsciousness after 1 hour of exposure.

g.    1,000 ppm: Loss of consciousness after 1 hour of exposure.

h.    1,600 ppm: Headache, nausea, and dizziness after 20 minutes of exposure.

i.     3,200 ppm: Headache, nausea, and dizziness after 5-10 minutes; collapse and unconsciousness after 30 minutes of exposure.

j.     6,400 ppm: Headache and dizziness after 1-2 minutes; unconsciousness and danger of death after 10-15 minutes of exposure.

k.    12,800 ppm: Immediate physiological effects, unconsciousness, and danger of death after 1-3 minutes of exposure.

5.    Positive readings above 9ppm are found, the property owner should contact a local natural gas company or propane provider.

6.    If the readings are elevated, gas needs to be shut off.

  1. Ventilate as needed. NO gas-powered fans.
  2. Readings 9ppm or less, the occupants should replace or reset the detector and be directed to call the emergency services if a subsequent alarm or symptoms appear.  

9.    Health effects can vary significantly based on age, sex, weight, and overall health. 



Instructions for working the SENSIT GOLD Gas Meter

1. Install the batteries by pushing down the locking tab and sliding the handle away from the top of the instrument. When replacing handle be sure the tab is securely in place. 

2. IMPORTANT:CAREFULLY OBSERVE POLARITY WHEN CHANGING BATTERIES. Incorrect installation can damage an internal “factory service only” fuse. 

3. Locate button “A” – push & hold until the unit powers up, then release the power button. 

4. Allow unit to go through the warm up sequence in clean air. At the end of warm up, the unit will auto zero and enter the working display. This requires from 40 up to 180 seconds. 

5. If FAIL is displayed for any of the sensor readings, make sure the instrument is in clean air; push and hold the “C” button until AUTO ZERO is displayed. If this process does not clear the fail on the display, this could indicate a problem with the instrument or sensor. 

6. Look at the display – LEL, CO, O2 and H2S readings are displayed. (An “X” appears when the particular sensor is NOT installed. 


7. Extend the goose neck (the LEL sensor and liter cap is at the tip). 

8. Place your finger over the inlet and wait ~5 seconds for “FLOW BLOCKED” to appear on the display. Change cap and “O” rings if it does not show “FLOW BLOCKED”. 

9. You are now ready to use the instrument. You can now enter the area and detect gases. 

10. Once the environment is determined to be safe to work in, if the source of an odor needs to be located, the thumb wheel can be rotated to be heard at a comfortable tick rate. Once an investigation is begun, as the instrument is moved closer to a combustible source, the tick rate will increase. The thumb wheel can then be rotated back to the comfortable rate and the investigation continued until the source is located. 

11. Press and hold the “C” button to zero the instrument. (only in a gas free area). 

12. When your investigation is complete, roll the thumb wheel back down and click it to the off position, push button “A” and hold for 5 seconds until the instrument displays “POWER OFF” then release to shut off. 





800 Decontamination

801 Decontamination-PPE & Equipment 



To establish a program to minimize contamination of personnel, personal protective equipment, and clothing by potential carcinogens encountered at emergency scenes.




 This guideline will apply to all personnel involved in firefighting activities that exposes individuals to the products of combustion.




Equipment and PPE Decontamination



 Personnel Decontamination





900 Communication


Purpose: To provide general guidelines and procedures for communications.


After initial page out from 911 the first available officer or Senior member should report via CONCORD FIRE channel to 911 that Concord is responding and all other available members should announce that they are responding and which station they are responding to on CONCORD DIGITAL channel. When trucks are responding to the scene announce over CONCORD FIRE channel the truck number and number of personel on the truck thats in route to the scene. Trucks will also need to give the truck number when arriving on scene to 911.



1.     If county 800Mhz not working, try I-Tac 2 if thats not woring try I-Tac 3 which is on the City system. We can also go to I-Call which Post 1 monitors.

2.     If no I-Tac 2, I-Tac 3 or I-Call go to direct central dispatch has direct.

3.     Without I-Tac 2, I-Tac 3 or I-Call we will need members to report to each station and work off direct. We may not be able to communicate hand held to hand held but we can communicate hand held to central or one of our fire stations. 

4.     If we have no County fire paging system central will relay calls thru direct to our fire stations, we can start cards thru Iamresponding. If we lose direct we can use VHF T/A to talk to central dispatch.

5.   Try Concord VHF repeater. Keep in mine that all the tablets in the trucks and the Chief's cell phone has FirstNet push to talk so we can communicate thru LTE. 









The following Concord Fire Protection District policy regarding the official and non-official/personal use of social media and social networking services and tools.



The following will outline the social media policies, guidance, and procedures of the Concord Fire Protection District (CFPD). It will cover both official and non-official use. It is heavily based upon the eFIRE LAW HANDBOOK #30B 2014 SOCIAL MEDIA FPD RULES(DECEMBER 8, 2014).


CFPD encourages its various divisions (Training, Operations, EMS)to use technology to communicate and engage with the public. Social media services and tools are powerful and effective means to communicate quickly and broadly. Examples include sharing information about the CFPD mission, operations, safety hazards, road closures, recruitment announcements, and fire prevention/emergency medical education. 


This policy describes the official use of social media and social networking tools in the

establishment and use by CFPD of a third-party social networking or social media account or service as an official means of communication or public engagement. This policy does not govern the visiting of third-party social media or social networking websites in one's official capacity for research or informational purposes.




a. Before beginning any social media project, employees or any other members must first be granted approval by the Chief of the CFPD to use social media, social networking, or services or tools to directly support or enhance activities being undertaken in an official capacity. 


b. The CFPD will maintain a catalog of all official social media presences; this catalog will be periodically reported to the Chief.


c. Any social networking profiles or social media presences that have not been

approved may be terminated. 


d. The Chief will keep a running list of all official presences on third-party social media websites so the public may know which communications channels are CFPD approved.




a. It is critical that social media tools are accessed and used in a responsible manner. As with e-mail and other electronic means of communication, official use of these applications to communicate and engage with the public must be in accordance with all the applicable CFPD Policies related, including but not limited to the Open Records and Records Management, Retention, and Archiving requirements. 


b. The following should be used when using social media and networking services in a CFPD official capacity:



Do not discuss any CFPD related information not considered public information. The discussion

of sensitive, proprietary, or classified information is strictly prohibited. This rule applies even in circumstances where a password or other privacy controls are implemented. Failure to comply may result in KRS 75 disciplinary action.



Third-party social media websites should never be only placed the public can view CFPD information. Any information posted to a third-party social media websites must also be provided in another publicly available format such as CFPD site. 


When an employee or other member is representing the CFPD in an official capacity, the CFPD is responsible for the content you publish on blogs, wikis, social networking websites, or other forms of social media. Assume that any content you post may be considered in the public domain, will be available for a long period of time, and can be published or discussed in the media -- likely beyond the employee or any other Member’s or CFPD’s influence.



Remain focused on the person’s mission. If using social media tools to communicate with the public isn't one of the employee or other Member’s primary duties, don't let it interfere with those duties.



Know and follow CFPD policies and procedures, such are those related to appropriate use of the internet, limited personal use of CFPD equipment, and standards of ethical conduct.



Do not engage in vulgar or abusive language, personal attacks of any kind, or offensive terms

targeting individuals, groups, or organizations.



Do not endorse commercial products, services, or entities.



No endorsement of political parties, candidates, organizations, or groups.



CFPD employees or any other Members, or those working on behalf of CFPD, who use social media and social networking services and tools for strictly personal use outside of the workplace do not require approval to do so. 


However, CFPD recognizes that these types of tools can sometimes blur the line between professional and personal lives and interactions. Therefore, employees or any other Members are reminded that, as representatives of CFPD, the above rules and guidelines must be taken into consideration when participating in these services at any time, but particularly when identifying themselves as employees or any other Members of CFPD or when context might lead to that conclusion.


Any activity using CFPD equipment (including access to the Internet) is governed by the regarding personal use of CFPD property or equipment. By exercising discretion and common sense when employing social media for professional or personal purposes, the employee or any other Member will help assure that their great potential is fully realized without inadvertently compromising our professional, legal, or ethical standards. Employees or any other Members should remember that standards of ethical behavior and other ethics policies are applicable.




The following principles should be employed when using social media services in a non-official/personal capacity within the CFPD.



Be aware of the employee or any other Member’s CFPD association in online social networks. If an employee or any other Member identifies him/herself as a CFPD employee or have a public facing position for which the employee or any other Member’s CFPD association is known to the general public, ensure the employee or any other Member’s profile and related content (even if it is of a personal and not an official nature) is consistent with how the employee or any other Member wish to present him/herself as a CFPD professional, appropriate with the public trust associated with the employee or any other Member’s position, and conform to existing standards, such as Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees or any other Members of the CFPD. Employees or any other Members should have no expectation of privacy when using social media tools.



When in doubt, stop. Don't post until the employee or other Member is free of doubt. Be certain that the employee or other Member’s post would be considered protected speech for First Amendment purposes. Also, add a disclaimer to the employee or any other Member’s social networking profile, personal blog, or other online presences that clearly states that the opinions or views expressed are the employee or other Member’s alone and do not represent the views of the CFPD.



In a publicly accessible forum, do not discuss any CFPD related information that is not already considered public information. The discussion of sensitive, proprietary, or classified information is strictly prohibited. This rule applies even in circumstances where a password or other privacy controls are implemented. Failure to comply may result in KRS 75 disciplinary action.




All content displayed on CFPD and its websites must adhere to the Open Records compliance standards regardless of whether or not the content is created and hosted by CFPD. Content created and hosted by a third party and displayed on CFPD websites via a widget is subject to Open Records compliance standards.




When using electronic media, whether it is a blog, a website, a wiki, e-mail, or any other type of electronic communication, the regulations that govern proper management and archival of records still apply [eFIRE #36 RECORDS RETENTION REQUIREMENTS].


Fire Protection District users, working with the Records Management Officer, determine the

most appropriate methods to capture and retain records on both Fire Protection District

servers and technologies hosted on non-Federal hosts. 


The Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA) offers resources and guidance to agencies to ensure proper records management. The CFPD will work with the KDLA to determine the proper records maintenance schedules and dispositions for content posted on third-party websites.




The public places a high degree of trust in CFPD content and considers it an authoritative source. With regard to social media information-dissemination products, the CFPD must reasonably ensure suitable information and service quality consistent with the level of importance of the information. 


Reasonable steps include: 

1) Clearly identifying the benefits and limitations inherent in the information dissemination product (e.g., possibility of errors, degree of reliability, and validity).


2) Taking reasonable steps to remove the limitations inherent in the product or information produced. 


CFPD must ensure that the position is reflected in all communications rather than one person's opinion. CFPD should include a disclaimer when posting content on third-party Web

sites that explains that CFPD is only responsible for the quality of the information posted by the official CFPD accounts and not for the quality of the information posted by other users.




Images, text, video, audio files used in blogs or on third-party social media websites must comply with Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code and other CFPD Policies and directives. Generally, CFPD works are not protected by intellectual property law. 


However, that does not mean that most CFPD works are in the public domain. In addition, if an employee prepares work and gives that work to a contractor pursuant to a contract, the rights to the final product may be subject to the contractor's intellectual property interest. Employees or any other Members should be careful about the nature of the work which is produced. Examples include but are not limited to videos, graphics, and podcast.



904.10. ETHICS

All CFPD standards and codes of ethical behavior for employees or any other Members apply to employees or any other Members' use of social networking and social media tools for both official and personal use including:


(1) Appropriate Use of the Internet


(2) Limited Use of CFPD Equipment for Personal Purposes


(3) Standards of Ethical Behavior for Employees or any other Members of the Fire Protection District


(4) Non-Official Expression.




An employee or other Member of a KRS 75 Fire Protection District can be disciplined under KRS 75.130 by reprimand, dismissal, suspension or reduction in grade or pay, after charges and a hearing, based upon proof of inefficiency, misconduct, insubordination or violation of law or of the rules adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Fire Protection District. Violation or misconduct under these social media rules can be grounds for discipline.




The CFPD is responsible for satisfying all policy requirements related to content that is provided to a third-party site; however, because it cannot control and is thus not responsible for other content on that site, it should determine whether or not the CFPD’s presence on the site reflects favorably upon the CFPD and does not diminish its reputation and integrity. The CFPD should note that it is not responsible for, nor can it control other content on the site on the part of the site which the CFPD does control, as well as on its website.



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